Mrs. Tracey Moore-Crum - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Mrs. Tracey Moore-Crum

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJATN, KY, AL, MS, VA
Home Phone: 731-234-1591 Anniversary: September 25, 2022
Photo of Mrs. Tracey Moore-Crum

Biographical Info

Tracey Moore-Crum lives in Brownsville, TN with her husband David. Between them they have 4 grown children, 1 granddaughter and one grandson. Tracey is employed in the pharmaceutical industry as a Therapeutic Sales Specialist where she travels to multiple states educating physicians on responsible pain management for their patients. She received her Associates Degree of Applied Science in Radiology from Jackson State and went on to obtain her Bachelors in Business Management and MBA from the University of Phoenix. Throughout the years Tracey has worked with several organizations that spanned from supporting military families during deployments to non profit organizations as well as local community events and fundraisers for disabled children.
She is originally from Obion County and a graduate of Obion County Central High School. Being from Obion County pageants were an exciting part of her childhood. She won several titles locally as a child including placing in the top royalty for the West Tennessee Strawberry festival. To this day she still appreciates the friendships, memories and opportunities she gained from her experiences in pageants. Tracey believes child pageants should be a safe, structured competition platform for children to express their individuality and she is a certified judge thru the American Child Pageant Judges Association.  Tracey is available to judge in TN, KY, AL, MS, and VA.
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