Ms. Tammy Dawn Hardin-Thistlethwaite - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Ms. Tammy Dawn Hardin-Thistlethwaite

Certified Pageant Judge ACPJAPA, OH, WV
Anniversary: February 12, 2017
Photo of Ms. Tammy Dawn Hardin-Thistlethwaite

Biographical Info

I have been involved in pageants, dance, singing, performing, competing and directing for 30 plus years. I believe pageants teach a child about themselves in a way no other avenue can. I direct and own Pittsburgh Premiere Pageants. You can find it and myself on Facebook. I will travel from Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and other neighboring states as well. Let’s continue to raise our children to be confident, genuine, serving leaders. Tammy Dawn Hardin Thistlethwaite.

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