Need an American Child Pageant Judges Association certified judge for your child pageant? This is the place to find top-quality judges in the industry. Scroll through the ACPJA Judges Directory to find local judges.
Ms. Shannon Davison
Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJAAL, GA, TN, MS, FLBiographical Info
Shannon is a ACPJA certified judge and has judged multiple local pageants through the years, including numerous photogenic contests. She has also MC’d multiple pageants & events. She currently works full time as the manager of one of the largest Hair & Makeup companies in Alabama overseeing all of their logistics and office work. In her free time, she assists alongside this Hair & Makeup team to work National pageants. She is a certified spray tan artist with Norvell University and the owner of an Event/Wedding Coordinating company. She is truly immersed in every aspect of the pageant world!
Shannon has been married for 27yrs with 4 amazing kids. Her Community and volunteer experience includes:
She was previously a part time missionary that worked with an organization to help find orphans their forever families. Through this experience she and her husband adopted 2 of their now 4 children from Ukraine. She was previously a DHR foster parent and has volunteered with many organizations such as The SonLight Center and Save a Life of Birmingham. Shannon is available to judge in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi and Florida.