Ms. Nichelle Jones - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Ms. Nichelle Jones

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJAIN, IL, OH, KY
Anniversary: December 28, 2016
Photo of Ms. Nichelle Jones

Biographical Info

Nichelle is an Indianapolis Native and a busy mom of 3.  A dancer that has performed at the Rose Bowl and Disney Land, Nichelle has always had a passion for coaching and helping others. Nichelle combined her passion for children and dance into coaching competitive cheer and dance where she was able to coach and develop young girls into champions on and off the dance floor.  This busy lady then transitioned into coaching and mentoring youth through coaching soccer where her teams captured multiple championship titles.  Nichelle then took her coaching skills to a new level, becoming a Life Coach, mentoring and empowering young ladies to reach their dreams.  Busy as a Zumba instructor, volunteer work and a facilitator for Girls Inc. and Harvest Girls International, Nichelle enjoys developing youth to reach their dreams.  In 2016, Nichelle achieved her dream of becoming a pageant queen, winning her first pageant and is the current Ms. Indianapolis.  With a history of judging both National and local pageants, Nichelle brings a wealth of knowledge to the Judging circuit. Currently judging in IN, KY.  Available to judge in IL, and OH as well.  
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