Ms. Jamey MacFarlane - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

Need an American Child Pageant Judges Association certified judge for your child pageant? This is the place to find top-quality judges in the industry. Scroll through the ACPJA Judges Directory to find local judges.

Ms. Jamey MacFarlane

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJATX, LA, AL, MS, FL, OK, TN, GA, AR
Home Phone: (409) 988-6045 Anniversary: July 5, 2022
Photo of Ms. Jamey MacFarlane

Biographical Info

Jamey is a Chief Administrative Officer born and raised in Orange, TX.  She is married and a mother of two. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship that has served her well in her business endeavors.  Jamey competed in pageants as child has directed and been involved with local pageants for the past 5 years. She is available to judge in TX, LA, AL, MS, FL, OK, TN, GA, and AR.


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