Ms. Kylee K. Odom - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Ms. Kylee K. Odom

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJANC, SC, FL, GA, TN, VA.
Anniversary: December 31, 2016
Photo of Ms. Kylee K. Odom

Biographical Info

Kylee K. Odom is a former Mrs. North Carolina and Miss Teen North Carolina.  In addition to winning numerous pageants, she was also the Miss North Carolina State Director 2006-2008 winning the Prestigious International Director of the Year Award.  Kylee continues to judge many pageant systems and talent competitions across the United States. 

On and off the stage, she promotes her platform on vision awareness and was chosen to be the NC Lion’s Club International Celebrity Spokesperson for Campaign Sight First II.  Her daughter’s story encourages her to make a difference and team up with Lion’s Clubs to help eliminate blindness.

She is a graduate of the Flat Rock Playhouse Vagabond School of the Drama where she served as a Dance Teacher and a Musical Theatre Choreographer.  Music and dance are her true inspirations that have led Kylee to form her own Production Company.  She is the National Dance Director for the World Championships of Performing Arts and a Licensed BMI writer of Christian music.  

Kylee is married to her husband Marshall and they live in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with their kids.  

Kylee is available to judge in: NC, SC, FL, GA, TN, VA.

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