Ms. Juli Garcia-Romo - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Ms. Juli Garcia-Romo

Certified Pageant Judge ACPJATN, KY
Cell Phone: 615-489-7888 Website:
Photo of Ms. Juli Garcia-Romo

Biographical Info

Juli Garcia-Romo is 22 years old and is from Smith County, Tennessee. For her occupation, she is a Zinc Development Miner for Nyrstar Middle Tennessee Mines. She is also a pageant director , coach, and 2020 Miss Middle Tennessee U.S. Juli has competed in pageants for 10 years and has judged many pageants across Tennessee and Kentucky for 5 years. She believes that no matter who you are, what size you are, and how old you are; with determination, faith, and confidence anyone can be a queen. She is available to judge in the states of Tennessee & Kentucky

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