Ms. Janette Manion - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Ms. Janette Manion

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJACA, NV, UT, AZ
Anniversary: February 1, 2017
Photo of Ms. Janette Manion

Biographical Info

Janette Manion Manion is the mother of professional actress/model Kaya Rose. She has been involved in pageants since 1980, first as a contestant, then a judge and then her daughter followed until becoming a professional model. Janette has a Bachelors in Elementry Childhood Education. She is also involved in her community in Los Angeles, helping with anti bully, homeless and domestic violence campaigns. She was a professional ballet dancer and ran a dance studio teaching dance, runway and pageant coaching.  Janette is currently Judging in CA, NV, UT, AZ

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