Mr. James Keith Mullins - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Mr. James Keith Mullins

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJAUSA
Home Phone: 859-619-3192
Photo of Mr. James Keith Mullins

Biographical Info

Keith currently works as a Professor of Nursing at a local university. He has dedicated himself to helping those in need for the past 27 years. Keith started his pageant career back in the 1980s when he started out as a stage hand getting contestants ready for their talent and evening gown competition. Keith also worked closely with the contestant while operating the spotlight for each of them during their talent competition. Over the next few years he began helping with pageants throughout local communities helping in whatever capacity needed. Following those years he began helping contestants with evening wear and hair which led him to finally starting his judging career. Over the past 43 years, Keith’s pageant career has grown. He had judged numerous pageants including most of them being festival and school pageants. Keith has a true passion and love for pageants and enjoys seeing the true and competitive side of true beauty. Keith is available to judge across the United States of America.

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