Need an American Child Pageant Judges Association certified judge for your child pageant? This is the place to find top-quality judges in the industry. Scroll through the ACPJA Judges Directory to find local judges.
Ms. Jacquetta (Jae) Roden
Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJAAL, GA, MS, TN and FLBiographical Info
Jacquetta (Jae) Roden currently resides in a small town outside of Birmingham, Alabama. She has been employed at a major financial institution for over 25 years as a Risk Specialist. She is the mother of two adult children, one granddaughter and a very spoiled fur baby. In her downtime Jae enjoys reading, traveling, volunteering in her community,gardening and spending time with her family and friends.
Jae has over 10 years of judging experience on a local, state, and national level. Judging pageants is a rewarding experience in being able to play a small role in building confidence and encouraging the contestants to pursue their dreams. Jae looks forward to working with judges and pageant directors in making pageant competitions a fair and fun time for all those involved. Jae is available to judge in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida.