Ms Charlita Woodruff - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Ms Charlita Woodruff

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJAMD, DC, PA, VA, AL, FL, GA
Home Phone: (256) 404.1252 Anniversary: March 24, 2017
Photo of Ms Charlita Woodruff

Biographical Info

Charlita Woodruff was Born and raised in Birmingham, AL and has been Married to Julius for 4 years. She hold a a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Tuskegee University, a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from Auburn University. Currently a Mathematics Lecturer at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD  She Competed and held various titles in collegiate pageants; Classically trained in piano; competed in numerous local competitions.  Her hobbies include photography and Scuba Diving.  She is currently available to Judge in Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, Pennsylvania,  Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
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