Mr. Briyant Arias - ACPJA Judges Directory Registry

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Mr. Briyant Arias

Certified Child Pageant Judge ACPJACT, NY, MA, RI
Anniversary: January 27, 2017
Photo of Mr. Briyant Arias

Biographical Info

Hi my name is Briyant Arias and I am 27 years old. I am a former Mr. Just Me King for Sparkling crown pageant. I am also a certified model and a pageant coach. I am a optimistic person with a heart of gold. My hobbies are dancing, coaching, choreographer, and helping the community. I am currently working as a phlebotomist for American Red Cross and Baystate Medical Center. I love judging pageants because There is nothing like seeing the faces of the contestants when they achieve their goal of being crowned. Currently Judging in CT, NY MA, RI

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